Extraordinary Lessons


  1. Title: Exploring Color in Nature

    • Theme: Observing and Appreciating Natural Colors
    • Art Discipline: Visual Arts
    • Grade Level: 4th Grade
    • Teacher's Name: Mr.Torres
    • Volume: 60 minutes
  2. Date: May 3, 2024


    • Objective: Students will observe colors in nature and create a nature-inspired artwork using the colors they observed.
    • Components:
      • Observation skills development
      • Creativity in art expression
  4. Standard (Competency):

    • Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.4.7 - Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears.
  5. Plan (Activity):

    • Introduction (10 minutes):
      • Discussion on the importance of colors in nature.
      • Show examples of nature-inspired artworks.
    • Nature Walk (15 minutes):
      • Take students on a short nature walk around the schoolyard or nearby park.
      • Encourage students to observe and collect samples of colorful natural objects like leaves, flowers, or rocks.
    • Art Activity (25 minutes):
      • Provide art materials such as paints, colored pencils, or pastels.
      • Instruct students to create an artwork inspired by the colors they observed during the nature walk.
    • Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes):
      • Students share their artworks and discuss the colors they used and why they chose them.
      • Reflect on how colors in nature can inspire art.
  6. Assessment:

    • Assessment will be based on student participation during the nature walk, creativity in their artwork, and their ability to articulate their color choices during the sharing and reflection session.
  7. Homework:

    • Students will be asked to write a short paragraph describing their favorite color in nature and why they find it appealing.
  8. Cross-Curriculum Standards:

    • Science: Observation skills development
    • English Language Arts: Writing about personal experiences and preferences
  9. Differentiation:

    • Provide additional support for students who may need it during the art activity.
    • Allow students to work in pairs or small groups to collaborate on their artworks.
  10. Technology:

  • Use digital cameras or tablets to document the colors students observe during the nature walk.
  • Display nature-themed artworks from famous artists using a projector or smartboard.
  1. Written Component:
  • Students will write a short paragraph describing their favorite color in nature and why they find it appealing.
  1. Career Skills:
  • This lesson encourages observation skills, creativity, and communication, which are valuable skills in various careers such as art, science, and environmental conservation.


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