
Extraordinary Lessons

  LESSON PLAN Collapse Title : Exploring Color in Nature Theme : Observing and Appreciating Natural Colors Art Discipline : Visual Arts Grade Level : 4th Grade Teacher's Name : Mr.Torres Volume : 60 minutes Date : May 3, 2024 OBJECTIVE & COMPONENT : Objective: Students will observe colors in nature and create a nature-inspired artwork using the colors they observed. Components: Observation skills development Creativity in art expression Standard (Competency) : Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.4.7 - Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears. Plan (Activity) : Introduction (10 minutes): Discussion on the importance of colors in

Final Paper: Writing About the Arts

  1       Standing Up for Something You Believe In Mary Farlese             In 2015, Lin-Manuel Miranda, along with the talented cast and crew, opened “Hamilton” on Broadway. Immediately, the world was in awe of the biography-musical of American Founding Father, Alexander Hamilton. The musical follows the life of Hamilton, starting with the beginning of his involvement in the Revolutionary War until his death. The musical is completely sung and rapped, along with symbolic sets and dance moves to tell the story. The musical highlights different historical figures that interacted with Hamilton and were crucial to the time period.             “Hamilton” is important because it provides a great example of combining historical education and the arts. Although the play is not completely accurate, and many scenes and circumstances are exaggerated for dramatic effect, the show proves that music can help students learn history. The play features moments from different battles fought in